Governor Information
Meet the Governors (ID 1077)
Louise CorfeCo-Chair of Governors / Royal Free Foundation Governor
Louise Corfe
Link Areas:
- Equalities
- Head Teacher Appraisal
- Safeguarding
Standards & Performance Committee
I am a specialist teacher and work for the Berkshire Sensory Consortium Service, supporting the needs of children with sensory impairments across all the key stages, in both mainstream and special schools. I work closely with families and health & social care professionals to ensure children’s individual needs are met. Former roles within education have provided me with much experience of school leadership and management and I hold the NPQH. Both my children attended StERF.
Start of Governance:
1 May 2015
Term Ends:
22 May 2026
Kate LongCo-Chair of Governors / Portsmouth Diocese Foundation Governor
Kate Long
Link Areas:
- Admissions
- Careers
- Religious Education
- Admissions Committee (Chair)
- Finance and Resources Committee
I am a past pupil of the school and am currently the Association Manager of a registered charity supporting voluntary and community groups. At present we are working in partnership with local organisations to support Ukrainian families to find accommodation, access schools and seek employment to help them rebuild their life in the UK.
Start of Governance:
15 January 2021
Term Ends:
14 January 2029
Nina AdamsonHeadteacher
Nina Adamson
- Standards & Performance Committee
- Finance and Resources Committee
Previously Head of School in a Church of England Secondary School. I have lived in Berkshire for most my life and have taught and held Leadership positions in several schools in Berkshire and London. I’m also an avid keeper of hens and a regular attender of St Mary’s Church White Waltham. I started at St. Edward’s Royal Free Middle School as Head Teacher in September 2020.
Start of Governance:
1 September 2020
Term Ends:
Katharine BraineStaff Governor
Katharine Braine
Link Areas:
- Staff Wellbeing
- Standards & Performance Committee
I joined StERF as Head of Science in the summer term of 2014 having previously worked at a large secondary school in Reading. My subject specialism is Biology. When I am not working, I enjoy reading, going to the gym, attending gigs, dancing and theatre shows.
Start of Governance:
1 September 2018
Term Ends:
31 August 2026
Caroline ColbertParent Governor
Caroline Colbert
Link Areas:
- Admissions
- Staff Wellbeing
- Curriculum (non-core)
- Admissions Committee
- Finance and Resources Committee
My twin daughters have recently joined the school (Sep 2022) and I am very keen to get involved as a Governor. At my daughters’ First School, I was Co-Chair of the PTA for 3 years, which gave me a good experience in fundraising and where the money was needed. I have lived in Windsor for 12 years and in Paris for 4 years. Before children, I worked in London as a market intelligence analyst and project manager in the technology sector. I enjoy playing tennis, running and going to gigs and concerts.
Start of Governance:
11 November 2022
Term Ends:
10 November 2026
Canon David HopgoodPortsmouth Diocese Foundation Governor
Canon David Hopgood
Link Areas:
- Religious Education
- Spiritual Development
- Standards & Performance Committee
Ordained a priest for the Diocese of Portsmouth in 1980. Served in various parishes and always been involved as a school Governor. Moved to Windsor in 2013, having spent the previous 15 years as Dean of the Cathedral and Vice Chair of St. Edmunds Secondary school in Portsmouth.
Start of Governance:
1 May 2013
Term Ends:
31 August 2026
Reverend Sally LodgeAssociate to the Governing Body
Reverend Sally Lodge
Link Areas:
Spiritual Development
Start of Governance:
21 November 2022
Term Ends:
20 November 2026
Andy McKellPortsmouth Diocese Foundation Governor
Andy McKell
Link Areas:
- Safeguarding
- Curriculum (core)
- Finance and Resources Committee
I am a Primary Teacher having worked within RBWM for over 10 years and been Deputy Head at St Edward’s Catholic First School since 2018. In this capacity I have taught in most of the Primary year groups and also overseen School Progress Data, Pupil Premium Progress, been an Associate Governor as well undertaking the role of School SENDCo. Other qualifications include MaST (Maths as a Specialist Teacher), and I am a qualified coach in a number of sports which I put to use at the weekends. I am currently studying for the NPQH qualification and am a member of the St Edward’s parish where I regularly read and lead Children’s Liturgy.
Start of Governance:
22 July 2024
Term Ends:
21 July 2028
Sandra Rodbard-BrownOxford Diocese Foundation Governor
Sandra Rodbard-Brown
Link Areas:
- Behaviour, Attendance and Pastoral
- Personal Development
- Pupil Premium
- Standards & Performance Committee
Oxford Diocesan Foundation Governor since 1979. Appointed as a Foundation Governor to St. Edward’s Royal Free Ecumenical Middle School in September 1986. My son and three grandchildren have attended the school. I was Vice-Chair for several years.
Start of Governance:
1 September 1990
Term Ends:
31 August 2026
Dr Andrew SaundersVice-Chair of Governors / Royal Free Foundation Governor
Dr Andrew Saunders
Link Areas:
- Curriculum (core)
- Standards & Performance Committee (Chair)
Local senior school Chemistry teacher for the past 15 years, including 10 years as Head of Department. Currently involved in running a local partnership and outreach for the senior school.
Start of Governance:
1 September 2020
Term Ends:
23 May 2028
Julian TisiPortsmouth Diocese Foundation Governor
Julian Tisi
Link Areas:
- Budget Management
- Pupil Premium
- Finance & Resources Committee (Chair)
I am a Chartered Accountant (FCA) with experience in risk management, finance partnering, process improvement, control and assurance across a variety of industry sectors. I am married with 3 young children, including 2 daughters at St Edward's First School. I am an active member of my local parish (St Edwards and St Mark's RC, Windsor). Outside of work, I enjoy singing and politics.
Start of Governance:
29 July 2020
Term Ends:
30 July 2028
Juliette ToftOxford Diocese Foundation Governor
Juliette Toft
Link Areas:
- Careers
- Behaviour, Attendance and Pastoral
- Personal Development
- Standards & Performance Committee
Mother to Max (16) and Daisy (14). I've been part of the St. Edward’s community for the past 8 years. My career experience lies in retail, having worked for the John Lewis Partnership, across both divisions for 20 years leading Buying & Product Development teams until February 2021. My career is now dedicated to setting up a new business venture whilst my downtime sees me out on my road bike, playing tennis, walking our family dog and supporting our teenagers.
Start of Governance:
15 August 2018
Term Ends:
14 August 2026
Helen WestonCo-opted Governor
Helen Weston
Link Areas:
- Health & Safety
- Finance & Resources Committee
My 9-year-old son has recently joined Y5 at St Edward's Royal Free Middle School. I also have a 14-year-old daughter, who is currently in Y10, and attends a local school; having previously spent 4 years at St. Edward's Royal Free Middle School. I am a qualified solicitor, having spent many years specialising in litigation. Shortly after the birth of my daughter I decided to take a career break. Over recent years I have carried out a great deal of voluntary work for a variety of organisations, such as Citizens Advice and Learning to Work. During this time, I predominately supported children and young people. I now work at St Edward's Royal Free as a Teaching Assistant. I am also studying counselling through a part-time course. I enjoy gardening, cooking, travelling, walking and art.
Start of Governance:
9 October 2019
Term Ends:
8 October 2026
Nicola WrightParent Governor
Nicola Wright
Link Areas:
- Equalities
- Standards & Performance Committee
My 13-year old daughter is now in Y8 and my 15-year old son moved on to Upper School. I started a career in Information Management with a large IT and Business Consulting provider, however since having children I have worked in a number of teaching support roles in first and primary schools. I am currently a Specialist Support Assistant at an early years/key stage 1 setting. I am also dedicated to positively training our young family dog, supporting our children in their many pursuits, keeping healthy and always attempting to read at least three books at once.
Start of Governance:
27 January 2023
Term Ends:
26 January 2027
Please see the document below for details the business interests of current members of our Governing Body.