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Digital Learning

Our Designated Lead for digital learning is Mrs Bruce-Carter.

Our Remote Learning Statement outlines what pupils, parents and carers can expect from remote education when local restrictions mean that the school has to close to most pupils.

Parent Guides to Digital Learning

PDF icon Remote Education 10 Tips For Parents (by DfE)


Google Classroom 

We use Google Classroom for digital learning. 

All pupils also use Google Classroom as part of their learning in Computing.  The home page can be accessed following this link - https://classroom.google.com/h

The document below may help when using Google Classroom:

PDF icon A Guide to Google Classroom (pdf)

PDF Icon Google Classroom Codes


Digital Learning Websites 

Please find below a menu of digital learning websites that pupils can access to help support their learning if absent from school.

Some of the resources below are free and do not require log-ins, others do require a username and password which pupils should have recorded in their planners.



Spelling and Grammar






Additional Literacy Support (Specific Students)