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Fantastic Fred

The Fantastic FRED Experience is a live performance-led mental health resource for primary aged children delivered by a team of trained actors.  Fantastic Fred and the Professor came to our school in November 2022.

You can watch a short video introducing the Fantastic Fred experience on their website: https://www.thefantasticfredexperience.com/

Parents can see what was covered on the day by watching this video: https://www.thefantasticfredexperience.com/for-parents-guardians

Resilience Workshop

In November 2022, Katie Simpson held a Resilience Workshop for parents.  As a reminder, or if you missed it, you can see the presentations below.

PDF icon Mental Health Promotion

PDF icon Healthy and Happy Minds

Supporting Attendance At School

The Psychology and Wellbeing Team at RBWM have produced a guide for parents about emotionally related school avoidance.  You can access a copy of this guide below.

PDF Icon Emotionally Related School Avoidance Toolkit

Useful Links

If you are ever in need of advice, information or support, it is always best to speak to a trusted adult such as a parent, teacher or member of school staff first.  There are also many agencies and websites that offer a wide variety of support services and information to help you.

Here are some agencies who can help.  You will also find some of the organisations' contact details in your planner.

Telephone: 01628 636661

Telephone: 0800 1111


116 123

0808 800 2222


ext SHOUT to 85258